Tuesday, June 7, 2011

cheaters never win and winners never cheat!

One beautiful sunny day in a tiny town called oaksville, there was a intense comptetion going on , between a scruffy pettite yorkshire terrier and a clean fluffy house cat named tinkle.The race was starting and everbody was gleaming with excitment . The anncouncer yelled "on your mark get set.GO!"The sassy house cat and the tiny terrier took off at the speed of light that after a few seconds they were no where to be seen. In the middle of the race the cat struck off into th e brickly bushes and got there before the yorkie. "That sassy little house cat cheated!" the little doggy shouted with tears welling up in his eyes when he arrived to the finish line. Everybody stared at the ignorant cat and she said "I didn't cheat , liar your only jelous because I won and you didn't. The announcer suddenlly spoke out "I just got a report that said that the spotted the cat cutting through the bushes.So the golden trophy goes to the wholesome little doggy .The honest dog accepted the shining trophy gleaming with anticipation while the stuck up house cat stomped off like a little brat. Moral : honestly is the best policy

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

From Jessika

dear friend.
your so dope. i cant belive that girl would do that to you, what a mean girl. wow why did cody get mad at katie when she didnt even do anything? and wow i cant believe tod cant come i was so hopeing he couls come! ;( whteva! :) we will make it work. and totally go for scott cause that is cute!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey Bestfriend Hey!

Heyy Emma :)
Hows it going ..well anyway enought about you ,boy have I got news for you!
So you know that guy I like totally like ..yeah him <3
He deff smiled at me like yeah I think he like ,likes me!!!!
Oh and omg this girl like totally glared at me and I was like what and shes like nothing and I was like you mad bro and she's like pfffft and walked away like lol
And Amanda deff told Jennifer what happened on friday night between Tod and Katie and after Amanda told Jennifer , Jennifer told Cody who got mad at Katie and Jennifer got so mad at Tod and told his parents and now hes grounded and can't go on saturday night to the movies which is deff going to mess up everything and Jennifer is going to be a 9th wheel either way. -_-
Okayy so like call me later :)
P.S who are you going to the movies with hehe :)
P.S.S your still havig that party on friday right?
Ttyl :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to beat that beat up!

How to beat someone up
Step one:find someone who invigorates (makes you mad)
Step two : Walk up to them and tell them to meet you at for 4 o clock after school at mojos corner store
Step three:Once the bell rings for after school at 3.15 pm walk down the hill to mojos
Step four: First you locate target
Step five:Then you take how many ever steps toward target by placing one foot in from of the other repeatably
Step six: Say "you mad bro"
Step seven: wait for a response
Step eight: then lunge and attack by placing one foot in front of the other and getting enough moment to jump at them
Step nine: then make a fist and pull back arm to your shoulder then extend arm out with hand still in a fist with lots of momentum and aim to hit them in the face
Step ten: no matter what kick then after , you kick someone by bending your leg back at the knee and extending it till you hit someone.
Step eleven: next you take your hand and reach out and grad a piece of their hair and pull on it tightly
Step twelve: you then repeat these steps till one of you either dies or forfeit's
Step thirteen :then you go home when its over

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Hootenanny at the Hoosegow yeah

Ecdysiast - a stripper
Cockalo - a small man
Fuddy-duddy -An old-fashioned, mild-mannered person.
Gobbledygook- Nonsense, balderdash.
Hoosegow- A jail or prison.
Lickety-split- As fast as possible.
Nincompoop- A foolish person
- A long knife.
Canoodle- To hug and kiss.
Hootenanny-A country or folk music get-together.

As I walk down the lonely dark road side I see a ecdysiast (stripper), wearing 5 inch cherry red heals with a white super duper short skirt and a shirt that could pass for a bathing suit top. I then saw a cockalo (small man) come up to her and start talking gobbleygook (nonsense, blabberdash ). WEEEO WEEEOO cops pulled and took away the cockalo and the ecdysiast they were going to the hoosegow (jail) then out if no where the cockalo pulled out his snickersnee (a long knife)and tried to threaten the cops but this nincompoop (a foolish person) was to fat to do anything with the snickersnee. So off to the hoosegow for them now, wasn't it . I decieded to follow them to the hoosegow becauase I had nothing else to do with my night.As I watch through the peep hole I se the cockalo and ecdysisast start to have a hottenanny(a country or folk music get together) with the other cell mates in the hoosegow they also start to canoodle (hug and kiss)with each other. Some guy with tattos all over his arms yelled theres a fuddy duddy (an old fashioned mild mannered person) guy at the window I had to go now lickidy split (fast as possible) before he comes and beats me. Well that what I did today what did you do?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Hoa moment

I remember it so vividly it was a spring day in elem school I was in grade two. RING RING RING went the bell and me and my friends were off like the wind running in the green grass butterflies were flying around and the sun was shining bright. We all sat down on the grass and started doing summer salts and playing truth or dare . I can't remember what one of my friends said butI lauhed so hard my eyes started to water , my tummy hurt and then I peed my pants.

I had a look of terror on my face, everyone went silent and looked at my . I ran as fast as I could to the office and called my mommy . When she finally picked up the phone "Mooooomm I peed myself can you bring me some new pants!"After 10 long minutes my mom finally showed up with some bright pink sweat pants .I sprinted to the bathroom and changed my pants. The next few hours of school were horrible , first time I walked into my class my face was as red as a tomatoe . It was a sad day

Friday, April 29, 2011

ah yeah holiday yeah

My holiday is national fish day when you dress up like fish or other water like creatures such as mermaids and crabs and squids. You can not eat fish this day you have to eat coconut cookies and cake and chicken apple juice and lime maranated in pinefor dinner served with tropical punch . It is on july 13th .There are swimming competions all day and boatng events. Another event is that there are special dances that you can preform and make hawaiian lays and skirts. We also get 2 days off work or school but proably not school because its summer. You deorate your house in blue streamers and glitter and add little decorations of fish and sea creatures around your house . On the morning of July 13th you aways have water bloon fights and play lots of pranks on people. We also have a special decoration that you have to have up its a ship that you build from your own materials ,you can get creative as you want.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I like them chocolatee eeeeeggs!

Dear Diary

So it's four days before easter and I am so stressed out because I have to find more places to hide the easter eggs and I still have a to make a huge load of chocolates and wrap them up in some nice bows. This happens every year I procastinate untill around the last couple of days till easter. Its always so hard for me because its so hard not eat the chocolate for the children. I am also very tired of all the parents taking credit for my hard work. Although I love easter the smell of fresh flowers and hearing the new spring chickens squaking around and making homeade creamy chocolate for the childen . It can be very hard work espcially when people steal your thunder. I feel like this year is going to be better so I am starting to get excited now ..but then as soon as its over I don't know what to do with myself . I spend countless nights staying up eating leftover peeps and chocolate eggs. I guess I could start making chocolate alittle early but I think its better fresh and warm

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hey dr phill hey!!!

Today I will be interviewing Dr. Phill I hear from the grape vine that he was been sneaking around with Tiger Woods. So today I brought the two of them together in a petite space to see whats really going on. As Dr.Phill entered dim lit room to see sir Tiger Woods sitting there the tention in the room was endless. Dr.Phill took a seat across the room it was dead silent and you could tell it was very akward for them , as they avoided eye contact. I started off asking, " So Sir Phill how did you and Tiger meet?"He replyed with, "Uhh we were at this club trying to have a good time and forget about our worries and then I saw Tiger from across the smoky room and knew he was the one for me "......I am notdone yet

Friday, April 15, 2011

chchchch teddy bear yeahhh

Everyday I sit and talk with my friends the squirrel and the porcelain doll. Some times we have tea and argue about who is going to sleep in the bed with Anna that night . Today I knew was going to be a good day because it was close to easter and Annna's room was going to be decorated with bunnies and chickens and fuzzy little things. I was really looking forward to easter decorating I really liked spring from the flowers and the bees. But the only thing I worried about during spring was getting thrown away and plus this spring her little brother was starting to walk I was scared he would steal one of us from Anna. This spring turned out to be the worst spring of them all though. It all started a few day before easter when ......... Thomas , Anna's little brother came into Anna's room and started going through Anna's droors and trying to find all her toys and clothes and dressing up ...then he started going through all the stuff on her bed which I was on as I saw each one of my friends tossed on the floor and down the hall . Then I was roughly grabbed and tossed out the window . I was going down down down the side of the two story house . Why me I was thinking as I got thrashed on to the hard ground. I was scared and alone and wanted to cry my little beady black eyes out . Wow I didn't know how big the world out side Anna's room. "OH MY GOD" I screamed as a hudge dragon like creature with no leggs squirmed towards me it was green and fuzzy and had stripes along it . I think Anna read about of them one time I think they were called caturpilars. I ran as fast as my little stuffed legs could take me .The grasss was so long tall and thick it was difficult to see where I was going. Finally I made it to the curb where Anna's trash cans were set up . BOOM and a hudge flash of lightning strikes , just my luck as cold beads of water started pouring down on me. I was scared and alone and had no idea how I was going to get back to Annas room. I decided to climb in the trash cans to take cover from the cold wet rain pouring down on me . I pulled a garbage bag over me to keep me warm for the cold night ahead. I started to think about all the ways I could get back in to the house one way is too either tomarrow (garbage day ) the trash man will see me and bring me back to Anna but that probably wouldn't work because our garbage man kurby is heartless and doesn't care about anyone.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jaemma Jadee & Emmas sport

Jerserys- will be blue and white with unicorns on them with 2 black thick lines on your face. Equitment- Rollerblades and knee pads and elbow pads with sun glasses that look cool butterfly nets and big net Rules- There are none. Don't get to rowdy Players- 4 per team Referees-there is one to make sure the game is fair Fan stuff- giant fingers hot dog hamburger stands and beverage cotton candy other foods jerseys and stickers , tempory tattos , bumber stickers Scoring- to score you have to get a ball in the butterfly net and either jum or throw other the net on the other teams with the ball and throw the ball in a basket medacine balls Length of the game- Till one team scores 50 times Boundaries - are the size of two bastekball courts. This game is full contact and if you can't handle the heat then get off the court anothwer way to win is to hurt everyone on the opposite team.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Moo Moo da cow

Every morning I wake up thinking about how many spots I will have today and every morning I always say hi to my huge family like mama moo moo and papa burger . Today was a nice day in the field the birds where singing and the sun was shining down on the grassy field so perfectly , it was a beautiful spring day. But something weird has been happening every morning I have been waking up to family member missing ....I have no idea whats going on there seems to be something weird happening in the red barn about a mile away the words been getting out that some bad and scary stuff has been happening down there. Usually when I get up I eat some nice green grass watch the farmer drive the tractor through the fields and chew some cud for a while . But today is going to be different I am going to do alittle investigating and see whats up with this barn down the road. Today I snuck out of the barn yard and trotted down the old dirt road , to the rusty red barn where screams and moos of terrors are coming from. I brace my self for what I might see my fury legs are shaking and knees are banging together my mooing voice is shaky and there isnt any cud left in my mouth to chew on. I tip toe (hoof )around the corner and the door just happens to creak open. "MOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed really loudly in terror . As I see the most disturbing thing I have ever seen, it was uncle mooers and aunt spot hanging my there hooves ...dead. I ran as fast as I could down the rocky and dusty road I had to warn everyone what was happening only a mile away from the barn yard. When I got back to the field I was so out a breathe I have to admitt I am not the healthiest cow in the barn yard. Everyone was asking what I saw , was it scary , is that where everyone has been going ? "We all need to get out of here , there going to make us into hamburger , we need to leave this place before another one of us are taken to that place". I thought about maybe we could get away to a nice tropical island and live a long nice happy life with all of there no one being turned into hamburger. We could catch a plane sending horses to be raced and maybe catch a boat to a deserted island. We decided to go with that plan and packed a few hay bails for the way there , luckily there were some horses going to maui to race some other horses. We snuck on the plane without being noticed we were surprised that we go that far. As soon as the plane landed we got off and snuck on a boat that was heading for oahu . We kept watch on the boat and found a quite nice sized island. Cows aren't exactly the best swimmers but most of us made it to the sunny island. We washed up on shore all out of breathe and settled up some nice tiki huts and some nice little shacks and gathered up some grass and fruit. It was perfect for us and we are going to be here a while .........

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Spectacular Spring Break

I had an amazing spring break after I rolled out of bed at about 1.00 in the afternoon. The first week of spring break I spent down at my grandmas and grandpas ranch . While I was there I helped my grandpa feed the cows.The next week I spent having sleepovers with tons of friends first sleepover I had we watched friday the 13th then the next night the hills have eyes ...they killed the dog in th hills have eyes that was the worst part. At another sleepover with the amazing miss Emma Gillie's we had a battle to the death..with eggs . That day was April fools so I scared emma when she was in the shower I screamed and spread ketchup everywhere ..she thought I was dead. This was a pretty good spring break if I say so myself . Worst spring Break I am so sorry to Hear about your grandma but don't worry my spring break wasn't that great either . I mean all the people I hung out with were so annoying and one killed my cat and the other threw eggs at me and one day I went to Starbucks and they gave me a medium instead a of a large . To make matter worse I had to go to my grandmas and it smells like cows there ewww . Well anyway I am sorry about your spring break and mine we can cry about it together .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

P-p-p-perct yo

“Uhhhgggg do I really have to clean the attic" I said as rolled out of bed with my hair in a messy bun."Yes otherwise you can't go to that really hip party tonight." said my mom trying to be cool. "Oh mom don't call it a "hip" party now I don't even want to go anymore now that you said that but I will clean the attic just cause I am a really cool kid" I said trying to get back on her good side. "Okay thank’s better hurry it’s already 1 pm "! My mom said. I rolled on to the floor threw on a pair of faded blue skinny jeans and a pink t-shirt then made my way upstairs to start cleaning the attic. As soon as I got up there I was blinded by a shimmering gold and blue light.....And there it was a one of a kind lamp with Egyptian deign’s and swirls on the side of it, it had a long spout and it was a beautiful ocean blue and gold like a lion on the lamp. Oh my god what if it is a magic lamp and I could finally get my perfect man, I thought to myself. I grabbed the lamp and rubbed it as hard as I could and you wouldn't believe what happens next.....Poof there she was a purple and pink genie with brunette curly hair in perfect ringlets .She had a nice soft warmth about her to I thought I would come right out and say it . "I want a wish can I have one. "I said. "No you can't have one wish.....you can have three." The genie said.
" My first wish is I don't have to clean the addic any more but can still go to the party "I said still thinking of my other wishes . "Bing boop bop " said the genie. "Okay for my second wish

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tie die in da house

My business is a funky tie-die shop we sell all different kinds of tie dye shirts. We have T-shirts , shorts ,tank tops , dresses, long sleeved shirts, bathing suits , purses ,bags accessories and over the shoulder shirts.Some will have 2 colors and some will have 5. On sundays and saturdays there is a make your own shirt station.The prices are at a respectable price .
T-shirts are $7
Tank tops are $5
Summer dresses are $15-20
Bags are $20-30
long sleeved shirts are $10

The staff will have to be nice and charming and have respect for customers and their boss. The feel in the shop is very chill and there doesn't need to be a lot of design on the walls because of all the tie-dye . We are going for kind of a modern and 70s looks at the same time. Our staff were our clothing when they work and any kind of there own pants up to them.

The shop will be along side the beach with other shops beside it . The outside will be very bright and inviting. Our hours and times are weekdays 9am till 7 pm and on weekends 10am till 6 pm. The staff will also have 1 1 hour break and 3 ten minute breaks when ever they like.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Adjective write (my breakfast)

Before:I had waffles for breakfast today.

After: It was a beautiful sunny morning in february the sun was glisening off the snow it looked like crytals.I woke up to the sweet aroama of home made waffles. nice and fluffy and topped with fresh sweet berries. I come out to see nice soft waffles with hot syrup drizzled on top with freshly cut stawberries as sweet as summer honey on my waffles.And to top it off a nice ice cold glass of creamy milk.

Adjective sentances

2. The tall and creepy student teacher with rapist glasses went to the big and bright mall one day. He deciced to cleverly steal some little boys big blue balloon. When he stole that balloon the little boy weeped his little eyes out. so the creep student teacher booked it out of the mall but the fast and fat cops caught him and took him to the big ugly jail.

3.The pleasently plump chimpanzee was sick from school on day and my dad Bob left the sunshine yellow fararies door open. While dad was going to get the mail the mischevious chimpanzee went to take the garbage out and saw the door open. He jumped into the car, put it in reverse and crashed this beautiful car into the huge and expensive middle school.

4. Me and my nutty family went to the huge and beautiful disney land because they won a trip on a lotery ticket.

5. I woke up ancously to the sound of dogs and cats skreeching on my door and when I say them I ran outside and noticed they ran all the way here down the road from the animal hospital.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pain on elemstreet

The worst pain I have ever been through is when I fell out of a 1 foot window ,it was only a foot high but it still was gut wrenching pain because I landed on my tail bone there wear rocks right out side that window which really hurt and carved in to my back stinging and making the pain unbearable.It felt like there was needles going down my lower back I couldn't breathe and I broke out in to a cold sweat it hurt so bad. The pain of falling on my tailbone was like having someone twist arrows with angry jellyfish just waiting to attack in to my back and every time I sat down or basically moved it would get 10 times worst. It was like being stung by scorpions over and over again and there was nothing you could really do to make it stop.I had to live with this pain for about a week and a half and my tailbone is still overly sensitive now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Breath Bad Breath

The worst smell I have ever smelt was when this really gross kid in my forth grade who always had teeth that looked like moldy bannanas and one day he puked and it was orange and brown and chunky it smelt like a dead racoon in the middle off summer just rotting inthe middle of the road flies swarming around it and buzzing in your ear.
But the best smell I have ever smelt is when my mom makes freshy baked chocolate chip cookies that melt in your mouth and when you take them out of the oven the oroma dances through the house . The smell of the cookies makes you feel warm in side ,must be the fresh coco powder in savory chocolate chips that make your taste buds sing.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why should you be friends with me...

I for one thing take secrets to the grave, I am always there if you want to talk. I really like to have fun and let lose. I am really chill when you want to be . I can always tell when something is wrong or if your feeling sad. I am not a total square and I don't care what other people think. I care about there opion and I am very open about myself but not too much . If you want the truth I will give it to you even if it hurts cause your better off knowing. When people change I don't get mad at them becuse honestly at some point everyone changes. I share alot f my stuff to like my clothes and my shampoo and that kind of stuff so thats kind of a perk. I really like to laugh and I would consider my self a nice person. I dont ditch people who I have already made plans with and I don't break promises unless I absoulutley have to and if I did break a promise I would mke it up to them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Krusty Crab

Could you image dinning in a underwater utopia ,well now you can.
My restaurant will be themed an exact replica of the krusty crab from sponge bob with a few upgrades
food: The famous Crabby patty with freshly picked tomatoes crisp pickles mouth watering beef patties and soft fluffy buns but the signature dish will be a dessert that has soft serve yellow pineapple ice cream shaped as spongebob with all his featureshis buck teeth will be flattened marsh mellows his eyes will be more soft serve ice cream his hat will be an actually hat that you can take home after and wear his clothes will also be made out of sugar cookies with icing painted on the clothing
Waiters : There will be a guy in s sponge bob suit a squidward suit and a Mr. crab suit . Squidward will work at the front counter with spongebob right behind him in a window flipping patties. Mr crabs will be walking around and singing to costumers
Setting: The tables will be circles made out of old pine wood with yellow and red rings, They sit on barrels the floor is grass coloured green wood. The doors have anchores drawn on them the front counter is a small boat. The walls with have fish nets on them with star fish and floats.
Bathroom: the bathroom will be a cherry red slide to get to the bathroom, the sinks are shaped like crabs and soap always holds it shape of a seahorse and on the walls there are blue
Take out bags are pineapples with the middle cut out so you can take them home , I picked a pineapple because sponge bob lives in one.
In the middle of the restaurant there will be a fish tank in a circular shape with majestic and colorful sea life and at the bottom of the tank there is a squirrel in a scuba suit representing sandy.