Friday, April 15, 2011

chchchch teddy bear yeahhh

Everyday I sit and talk with my friends the squirrel and the porcelain doll. Some times we have tea and argue about who is going to sleep in the bed with Anna that night . Today I knew was going to be a good day because it was close to easter and Annna's room was going to be decorated with bunnies and chickens and fuzzy little things. I was really looking forward to easter decorating I really liked spring from the flowers and the bees. But the only thing I worried about during spring was getting thrown away and plus this spring her little brother was starting to walk I was scared he would steal one of us from Anna. This spring turned out to be the worst spring of them all though. It all started a few day before easter when ......... Thomas , Anna's little brother came into Anna's room and started going through Anna's droors and trying to find all her toys and clothes and dressing up ...then he started going through all the stuff on her bed which I was on as I saw each one of my friends tossed on the floor and down the hall . Then I was roughly grabbed and tossed out the window . I was going down down down the side of the two story house . Why me I was thinking as I got thrashed on to the hard ground. I was scared and alone and wanted to cry my little beady black eyes out . Wow I didn't know how big the world out side Anna's room. "OH MY GOD" I screamed as a hudge dragon like creature with no leggs squirmed towards me it was green and fuzzy and had stripes along it . I think Anna read about of them one time I think they were called caturpilars. I ran as fast as my little stuffed legs could take me .The grasss was so long tall and thick it was difficult to see where I was going. Finally I made it to the curb where Anna's trash cans were set up . BOOM and a hudge flash of lightning strikes , just my luck as cold beads of water started pouring down on me. I was scared and alone and had no idea how I was going to get back to Annas room. I decided to climb in the trash cans to take cover from the cold wet rain pouring down on me . I pulled a garbage bag over me to keep me warm for the cold night ahead. I started to think about all the ways I could get back in to the house one way is too either tomarrow (garbage day ) the trash man will see me and bring me back to Anna but that probably wouldn't work because our garbage man kurby is heartless and doesn't care about anyone.

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