Wednesday, March 16, 2011

P-p-p-perct yo

“Uhhhgggg do I really have to clean the attic" I said as rolled out of bed with my hair in a messy bun."Yes otherwise you can't go to that really hip party tonight." said my mom trying to be cool. "Oh mom don't call it a "hip" party now I don't even want to go anymore now that you said that but I will clean the attic just cause I am a really cool kid" I said trying to get back on her good side. "Okay thank’s better hurry it’s already 1 pm "! My mom said. I rolled on to the floor threw on a pair of faded blue skinny jeans and a pink t-shirt then made my way upstairs to start cleaning the attic. As soon as I got up there I was blinded by a shimmering gold and blue light.....And there it was a one of a kind lamp with Egyptian deign’s and swirls on the side of it, it had a long spout and it was a beautiful ocean blue and gold like a lion on the lamp. Oh my god what if it is a magic lamp and I could finally get my perfect man, I thought to myself. I grabbed the lamp and rubbed it as hard as I could and you wouldn't believe what happens next.....Poof there she was a purple and pink genie with brunette curly hair in perfect ringlets .She had a nice soft warmth about her to I thought I would come right out and say it . "I want a wish can I have one. "I said. "No you can't have one can have three." The genie said.
" My first wish is I don't have to clean the addic any more but can still go to the party "I said still thinking of my other wishes . "Bing boop bop " said the genie. "Okay for my second wish

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