Monday, April 11, 2011

Moo Moo da cow

Every morning I wake up thinking about how many spots I will have today and every morning I always say hi to my huge family like mama moo moo and papa burger . Today was a nice day in the field the birds where singing and the sun was shining down on the grassy field so perfectly , it was a beautiful spring day. But something weird has been happening every morning I have been waking up to family member missing ....I have no idea whats going on there seems to be something weird happening in the red barn about a mile away the words been getting out that some bad and scary stuff has been happening down there. Usually when I get up I eat some nice green grass watch the farmer drive the tractor through the fields and chew some cud for a while . But today is going to be different I am going to do alittle investigating and see whats up with this barn down the road. Today I snuck out of the barn yard and trotted down the old dirt road , to the rusty red barn where screams and moos of terrors are coming from. I brace my self for what I might see my fury legs are shaking and knees are banging together my mooing voice is shaky and there isnt any cud left in my mouth to chew on. I tip toe (hoof )around the corner and the door just happens to creak open. "MOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed really loudly in terror . As I see the most disturbing thing I have ever seen, it was uncle mooers and aunt spot hanging my there hooves ...dead. I ran as fast as I could down the rocky and dusty road I had to warn everyone what was happening only a mile away from the barn yard. When I got back to the field I was so out a breathe I have to admitt I am not the healthiest cow in the barn yard. Everyone was asking what I saw , was it scary , is that where everyone has been going ? "We all need to get out of here , there going to make us into hamburger , we need to leave this place before another one of us are taken to that place". I thought about maybe we could get away to a nice tropical island and live a long nice happy life with all of there no one being turned into hamburger. We could catch a plane sending horses to be raced and maybe catch a boat to a deserted island. We decided to go with that plan and packed a few hay bails for the way there , luckily there were some horses going to maui to race some other horses. We snuck on the plane without being noticed we were surprised that we go that far. As soon as the plane landed we got off and snuck on a boat that was heading for oahu . We kept watch on the boat and found a quite nice sized island. Cows aren't exactly the best swimmers but most of us made it to the sunny island. We washed up on shore all out of breathe and settled up some nice tiki huts and some nice little shacks and gathered up some grass and fruit. It was perfect for us and we are going to be here a while .........

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