Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey Bestfriend Hey!

Heyy Emma :)
Hows it going ..well anyway enought about you ,boy have I got news for you!
So you know that guy I like totally like ..yeah him <3
He deff smiled at me like yeah I think he like ,likes me!!!!
Oh and omg this girl like totally glared at me and I was like what and shes like nothing and I was like you mad bro and she's like pfffft and walked away like lol
And Amanda deff told Jennifer what happened on friday night between Tod and Katie and after Amanda told Jennifer , Jennifer told Cody who got mad at Katie and Jennifer got so mad at Tod and told his parents and now hes grounded and can't go on saturday night to the movies which is deff going to mess up everything and Jennifer is going to be a 9th wheel either way. -_-
Okayy so like call me later :)
P.S who are you going to the movies with hehe :)
P.S.S your still havig that party on friday right?
Ttyl :)

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