Monday, May 9, 2011

A Hootenanny at the Hoosegow yeah

Ecdysiast - a stripper
Cockalo - a small man
Fuddy-duddy -An old-fashioned, mild-mannered person.
Gobbledygook- Nonsense, balderdash.
Hoosegow- A jail or prison.
Lickety-split- As fast as possible.
Nincompoop- A foolish person
- A long knife.
Canoodle- To hug and kiss.
Hootenanny-A country or folk music get-together.

As I walk down the lonely dark road side I see a ecdysiast (stripper), wearing 5 inch cherry red heals with a white super duper short skirt and a shirt that could pass for a bathing suit top. I then saw a cockalo (small man) come up to her and start talking gobbleygook (nonsense, blabberdash ). WEEEO WEEEOO cops pulled and took away the cockalo and the ecdysiast they were going to the hoosegow (jail) then out if no where the cockalo pulled out his snickersnee (a long knife)and tried to threaten the cops but this nincompoop (a foolish person) was to fat to do anything with the snickersnee. So off to the hoosegow for them now, wasn't it . I decieded to follow them to the hoosegow becauase I had nothing else to do with my night.As I watch through the peep hole I se the cockalo and ecdysisast start to have a hottenanny(a country or folk music get together) with the other cell mates in the hoosegow they also start to canoodle (hug and kiss)with each other. Some guy with tattos all over his arms yelled theres a fuddy duddy (an old fashioned mild mannered person) guy at the window I had to go now lickidy split (fast as possible) before he comes and beats me. Well that what I did today what did you do?

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