Monday, February 28, 2011

Adjective sentances

2. The tall and creepy student teacher with rapist glasses went to the big and bright mall one day. He deciced to cleverly steal some little boys big blue balloon. When he stole that balloon the little boy weeped his little eyes out. so the creep student teacher booked it out of the mall but the fast and fat cops caught him and took him to the big ugly jail.

3.The pleasently plump chimpanzee was sick from school on day and my dad Bob left the sunshine yellow fararies door open. While dad was going to get the mail the mischevious chimpanzee went to take the garbage out and saw the door open. He jumped into the car, put it in reverse and crashed this beautiful car into the huge and expensive middle school.

4. Me and my nutty family went to the huge and beautiful disney land because they won a trip on a lotery ticket.

5. I woke up ancously to the sound of dogs and cats skreeching on my door and when I say them I ran outside and noticed they ran all the way here down the road from the animal hospital.


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