Friday, April 29, 2011

ah yeah holiday yeah

My holiday is national fish day when you dress up like fish or other water like creatures such as mermaids and crabs and squids. You can not eat fish this day you have to eat coconut cookies and cake and chicken apple juice and lime maranated in pinefor dinner served with tropical punch . It is on july 13th .There are swimming competions all day and boatng events. Another event is that there are special dances that you can preform and make hawaiian lays and skirts. We also get 2 days off work or school but proably not school because its summer. You deorate your house in blue streamers and glitter and add little decorations of fish and sea creatures around your house . On the morning of July 13th you aways have water bloon fights and play lots of pranks on people. We also have a special decoration that you have to have up its a ship that you build from your own materials ,you can get creative as you want.

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