Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to beat that beat up!

How to beat someone up
Step one:find someone who invigorates (makes you mad)
Step two : Walk up to them and tell them to meet you at for 4 o clock after school at mojos corner store
Step three:Once the bell rings for after school at 3.15 pm walk down the hill to mojos
Step four: First you locate target
Step five:Then you take how many ever steps toward target by placing one foot in from of the other repeatably
Step six: Say "you mad bro"
Step seven: wait for a response
Step eight: then lunge and attack by placing one foot in front of the other and getting enough moment to jump at them
Step nine: then make a fist and pull back arm to your shoulder then extend arm out with hand still in a fist with lots of momentum and aim to hit them in the face
Step ten: no matter what kick then after , you kick someone by bending your leg back at the knee and extending it till you hit someone.
Step eleven: next you take your hand and reach out and grad a piece of their hair and pull on it tightly
Step twelve: you then repeat these steps till one of you either dies or forfeit's
Step thirteen :then you go home when its over

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