Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Hoa moment

I remember it so vividly it was a spring day in elem school I was in grade two. RING RING RING went the bell and me and my friends were off like the wind running in the green grass butterflies were flying around and the sun was shining bright. We all sat down on the grass and started doing summer salts and playing truth or dare . I can't remember what one of my friends said butI lauhed so hard my eyes started to water , my tummy hurt and then I peed my pants.

I had a look of terror on my face, everyone went silent and looked at my . I ran as fast as I could to the office and called my mommy . When she finally picked up the phone "Mooooomm I peed myself can you bring me some new pants!"After 10 long minutes my mom finally showed up with some bright pink sweat pants .I sprinted to the bathroom and changed my pants. The next few hours of school were horrible , first time I walked into my class my face was as red as a tomatoe . It was a sad day

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