Tuesday, June 7, 2011

cheaters never win and winners never cheat!

One beautiful sunny day in a tiny town called oaksville, there was a intense comptetion going on , between a scruffy pettite yorkshire terrier and a clean fluffy house cat named tinkle.The race was starting and everbody was gleaming with excitment . The anncouncer yelled "on your mark get set.GO!"The sassy house cat and the tiny terrier took off at the speed of light that after a few seconds they were no where to be seen. In the middle of the race the cat struck off into th e brickly bushes and got there before the yorkie. "That sassy little house cat cheated!" the little doggy shouted with tears welling up in his eyes when he arrived to the finish line. Everybody stared at the ignorant cat and she said "I didn't cheat , liar your only jelous because I won and you didn't. The announcer suddenlly spoke out "I just got a report that said that the spotted the cat cutting through the bushes.So the golden trophy goes to the wholesome little doggy .The honest dog accepted the shining trophy gleaming with anticipation while the stuck up house cat stomped off like a little brat. Moral : honestly is the best policy

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