Tuesday, June 7, 2011

cheaters never win and winners never cheat!

One beautiful sunny day in a tiny town called oaksville, there was a intense comptetion going on , between a scruffy pettite yorkshire terrier and a clean fluffy house cat named tinkle.The race was starting and everbody was gleaming with excitment . The anncouncer yelled "on your mark get set.GO!"The sassy house cat and the tiny terrier took off at the speed of light that after a few seconds they were no where to be seen. In the middle of the race the cat struck off into th e brickly bushes and got there before the yorkie. "That sassy little house cat cheated!" the little doggy shouted with tears welling up in his eyes when he arrived to the finish line. Everybody stared at the ignorant cat and she said "I didn't cheat , liar your only jelous because I won and you didn't. The announcer suddenlly spoke out "I just got a report that said that the spotted the cat cutting through the bushes.So the golden trophy goes to the wholesome little doggy .The honest dog accepted the shining trophy gleaming with anticipation while the stuck up house cat stomped off like a little brat. Moral : honestly is the best policy

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

From Jessika

dear friend.
your so dope. i cant belive that girl would do that to you, what a mean girl. wow why did cody get mad at katie when she didnt even do anything? and wow i cant believe tod cant come i was so hopeing he couls come! ;( whteva! :) we will make it work. and totally go for scott cause that is cute!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey Bestfriend Hey!

Heyy Emma :)
Hows it going ..well anyway enought about you ,boy have I got news for you!
So you know that guy I like totally like ..yeah him <3
He deff smiled at me like yeah I think he like ,likes me!!!!
Oh and omg this girl like totally glared at me and I was like what and shes like nothing and I was like you mad bro and she's like pfffft and walked away like lol
And Amanda deff told Jennifer what happened on friday night between Tod and Katie and after Amanda told Jennifer , Jennifer told Cody who got mad at Katie and Jennifer got so mad at Tod and told his parents and now hes grounded and can't go on saturday night to the movies which is deff going to mess up everything and Jennifer is going to be a 9th wheel either way. -_-
Okayy so like call me later :)
P.S who are you going to the movies with hehe :)
P.S.S your still havig that party on friday right?
Ttyl :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to beat that beat up!

How to beat someone up
Step one:find someone who invigorates (makes you mad)
Step two : Walk up to them and tell them to meet you at for 4 o clock after school at mojos corner store
Step three:Once the bell rings for after school at 3.15 pm walk down the hill to mojos
Step four: First you locate target
Step five:Then you take how many ever steps toward target by placing one foot in from of the other repeatably
Step six: Say "you mad bro"
Step seven: wait for a response
Step eight: then lunge and attack by placing one foot in front of the other and getting enough moment to jump at them
Step nine: then make a fist and pull back arm to your shoulder then extend arm out with hand still in a fist with lots of momentum and aim to hit them in the face
Step ten: no matter what kick then after , you kick someone by bending your leg back at the knee and extending it till you hit someone.
Step eleven: next you take your hand and reach out and grad a piece of their hair and pull on it tightly
Step twelve: you then repeat these steps till one of you either dies or forfeit's
Step thirteen :then you go home when its over

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Hootenanny at the Hoosegow yeah

Ecdysiast - a stripper
Cockalo - a small man
Fuddy-duddy -An old-fashioned, mild-mannered person.
Gobbledygook- Nonsense, balderdash.
Hoosegow- A jail or prison.
Lickety-split- As fast as possible.
Nincompoop- A foolish person
- A long knife.
Canoodle- To hug and kiss.
Hootenanny-A country or folk music get-together.

As I walk down the lonely dark road side I see a ecdysiast (stripper), wearing 5 inch cherry red heals with a white super duper short skirt and a shirt that could pass for a bathing suit top. I then saw a cockalo (small man) come up to her and start talking gobbleygook (nonsense, blabberdash ). WEEEO WEEEOO cops pulled and took away the cockalo and the ecdysiast they were going to the hoosegow (jail) then out if no where the cockalo pulled out his snickersnee (a long knife)and tried to threaten the cops but this nincompoop (a foolish person) was to fat to do anything with the snickersnee. So off to the hoosegow for them now, wasn't it . I decieded to follow them to the hoosegow becauase I had nothing else to do with my night.As I watch through the peep hole I se the cockalo and ecdysisast start to have a hottenanny(a country or folk music get together) with the other cell mates in the hoosegow they also start to canoodle (hug and kiss)with each other. Some guy with tattos all over his arms yelled theres a fuddy duddy (an old fashioned mild mannered person) guy at the window I had to go now lickidy split (fast as possible) before he comes and beats me. Well that what I did today what did you do?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Hoa moment

I remember it so vividly it was a spring day in elem school I was in grade two. RING RING RING went the bell and me and my friends were off like the wind running in the green grass butterflies were flying around and the sun was shining bright. We all sat down on the grass and started doing summer salts and playing truth or dare . I can't remember what one of my friends said butI lauhed so hard my eyes started to water , my tummy hurt and then I peed my pants.

I had a look of terror on my face, everyone went silent and looked at my . I ran as fast as I could to the office and called my mommy . When she finally picked up the phone "Mooooomm I peed myself can you bring me some new pants!"After 10 long minutes my mom finally showed up with some bright pink sweat pants .I sprinted to the bathroom and changed my pants. The next few hours of school were horrible , first time I walked into my class my face was as red as a tomatoe . It was a sad day

Friday, April 29, 2011

ah yeah holiday yeah

My holiday is national fish day when you dress up like fish or other water like creatures such as mermaids and crabs and squids. You can not eat fish this day you have to eat coconut cookies and cake and chicken apple juice and lime maranated in pinefor dinner served with tropical punch . It is on july 13th .There are swimming competions all day and boatng events. Another event is that there are special dances that you can preform and make hawaiian lays and skirts. We also get 2 days off work or school but proably not school because its summer. You deorate your house in blue streamers and glitter and add little decorations of fish and sea creatures around your house . On the morning of July 13th you aways have water bloon fights and play lots of pranks on people. We also have a special decoration that you have to have up its a ship that you build from your own materials ,you can get creative as you want.