Monday, February 28, 2011

Adjective write (my breakfast)

Before:I had waffles for breakfast today.

After: It was a beautiful sunny morning in february the sun was glisening off the snow it looked like crytals.I woke up to the sweet aroama of home made waffles. nice and fluffy and topped with fresh sweet berries. I come out to see nice soft waffles with hot syrup drizzled on top with freshly cut stawberries as sweet as summer honey on my waffles.And to top it off a nice ice cold glass of creamy milk.

Adjective sentances

2. The tall and creepy student teacher with rapist glasses went to the big and bright mall one day. He deciced to cleverly steal some little boys big blue balloon. When he stole that balloon the little boy weeped his little eyes out. so the creep student teacher booked it out of the mall but the fast and fat cops caught him and took him to the big ugly jail.

3.The pleasently plump chimpanzee was sick from school on day and my dad Bob left the sunshine yellow fararies door open. While dad was going to get the mail the mischevious chimpanzee went to take the garbage out and saw the door open. He jumped into the car, put it in reverse and crashed this beautiful car into the huge and expensive middle school.

4. Me and my nutty family went to the huge and beautiful disney land because they won a trip on a lotery ticket.

5. I woke up ancously to the sound of dogs and cats skreeching on my door and when I say them I ran outside and noticed they ran all the way here down the road from the animal hospital.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pain on elemstreet

The worst pain I have ever been through is when I fell out of a 1 foot window ,it was only a foot high but it still was gut wrenching pain because I landed on my tail bone there wear rocks right out side that window which really hurt and carved in to my back stinging and making the pain unbearable.It felt like there was needles going down my lower back I couldn't breathe and I broke out in to a cold sweat it hurt so bad. The pain of falling on my tailbone was like having someone twist arrows with angry jellyfish just waiting to attack in to my back and every time I sat down or basically moved it would get 10 times worst. It was like being stung by scorpions over and over again and there was nothing you could really do to make it stop.I had to live with this pain for about a week and a half and my tailbone is still overly sensitive now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Breath Bad Breath

The worst smell I have ever smelt was when this really gross kid in my forth grade who always had teeth that looked like moldy bannanas and one day he puked and it was orange and brown and chunky it smelt like a dead racoon in the middle off summer just rotting inthe middle of the road flies swarming around it and buzzing in your ear.
But the best smell I have ever smelt is when my mom makes freshy baked chocolate chip cookies that melt in your mouth and when you take them out of the oven the oroma dances through the house . The smell of the cookies makes you feel warm in side ,must be the fresh coco powder in savory chocolate chips that make your taste buds sing.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why should you be friends with me...

I for one thing take secrets to the grave, I am always there if you want to talk. I really like to have fun and let lose. I am really chill when you want to be . I can always tell when something is wrong or if your feeling sad. I am not a total square and I don't care what other people think. I care about there opion and I am very open about myself but not too much . If you want the truth I will give it to you even if it hurts cause your better off knowing. When people change I don't get mad at them becuse honestly at some point everyone changes. I share alot f my stuff to like my clothes and my shampoo and that kind of stuff so thats kind of a perk. I really like to laugh and I would consider my self a nice person. I dont ditch people who I have already made plans with and I don't break promises unless I absoulutley have to and if I did break a promise I would mke it up to them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Krusty Crab

Could you image dinning in a underwater utopia ,well now you can.
My restaurant will be themed an exact replica of the krusty crab from sponge bob with a few upgrades
food: The famous Crabby patty with freshly picked tomatoes crisp pickles mouth watering beef patties and soft fluffy buns but the signature dish will be a dessert that has soft serve yellow pineapple ice cream shaped as spongebob with all his featureshis buck teeth will be flattened marsh mellows his eyes will be more soft serve ice cream his hat will be an actually hat that you can take home after and wear his clothes will also be made out of sugar cookies with icing painted on the clothing
Waiters : There will be a guy in s sponge bob suit a squidward suit and a Mr. crab suit . Squidward will work at the front counter with spongebob right behind him in a window flipping patties. Mr crabs will be walking around and singing to costumers
Setting: The tables will be circles made out of old pine wood with yellow and red rings, They sit on barrels the floor is grass coloured green wood. The doors have anchores drawn on them the front counter is a small boat. The walls with have fish nets on them with star fish and floats.
Bathroom: the bathroom will be a cherry red slide to get to the bathroom, the sinks are shaped like crabs and soap always holds it shape of a seahorse and on the walls there are blue
Take out bags are pineapples with the middle cut out so you can take them home , I picked a pineapple because sponge bob lives in one.
In the middle of the restaurant there will be a fish tank in a circular shape with majestic and colorful sea life and at the bottom of the tank there is a squirrel in a scuba suit representing sandy.