Wednesday, March 16, 2011

P-p-p-perct yo

“Uhhhgggg do I really have to clean the attic" I said as rolled out of bed with my hair in a messy bun."Yes otherwise you can't go to that really hip party tonight." said my mom trying to be cool. "Oh mom don't call it a "hip" party now I don't even want to go anymore now that you said that but I will clean the attic just cause I am a really cool kid" I said trying to get back on her good side. "Okay thank’s better hurry it’s already 1 pm "! My mom said. I rolled on to the floor threw on a pair of faded blue skinny jeans and a pink t-shirt then made my way upstairs to start cleaning the attic. As soon as I got up there I was blinded by a shimmering gold and blue light.....And there it was a one of a kind lamp with Egyptian deign’s and swirls on the side of it, it had a long spout and it was a beautiful ocean blue and gold like a lion on the lamp. Oh my god what if it is a magic lamp and I could finally get my perfect man, I thought to myself. I grabbed the lamp and rubbed it as hard as I could and you wouldn't believe what happens next.....Poof there she was a purple and pink genie with brunette curly hair in perfect ringlets .She had a nice soft warmth about her to I thought I would come right out and say it . "I want a wish can I have one. "I said. "No you can't have one can have three." The genie said.
" My first wish is I don't have to clean the addic any more but can still go to the party "I said still thinking of my other wishes . "Bing boop bop " said the genie. "Okay for my second wish

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tie die in da house

My business is a funky tie-die shop we sell all different kinds of tie dye shirts. We have T-shirts , shorts ,tank tops , dresses, long sleeved shirts, bathing suits , purses ,bags accessories and over the shoulder shirts.Some will have 2 colors and some will have 5. On sundays and saturdays there is a make your own shirt station.The prices are at a respectable price .
T-shirts are $7
Tank tops are $5
Summer dresses are $15-20
Bags are $20-30
long sleeved shirts are $10

The staff will have to be nice and charming and have respect for customers and their boss. The feel in the shop is very chill and there doesn't need to be a lot of design on the walls because of all the tie-dye . We are going for kind of a modern and 70s looks at the same time. Our staff were our clothing when they work and any kind of there own pants up to them.

The shop will be along side the beach with other shops beside it . The outside will be very bright and inviting. Our hours and times are weekdays 9am till 7 pm and on weekends 10am till 6 pm. The staff will also have 1 1 hour break and 3 ten minute breaks when ever they like.